Why join Mock Trial?
Regardless of your future career goals, mock trial provides an invaluable experience. For everyone involved, mock trial greatly enhances students' public speaking, critical thinking, and team building skills, as well as their ability to win any argument. For those students who are interested in law school, mock trial provides and familiarizes students with legal skills such as trial procedure and the rules of evidence.
Who should consider participating in Mock Trial?
Everyone! There is no requirement that students must be pre-law. Anyone who enjoys arguing, debating, winning and/or acting is encouraged to try out.
Are there tryouts?
Yes. There are two rounds of tryouts. Each interested student will first tryout in front of the coaches and then a tryout on a scrimmage team. The first tryout involves preparing and presenting an opening statement or answering questions as a witness (direct examination). The second tryout involves competing in a trial with a team. Throughout this process, current members help and mentor the interested students.
Is Mock Trial the same as debate?
No, mock trial and debate are completely different organizations. In mock trial, each team prepares the year's case which they present at competitions. A case consists of opening statements, direct examinations, cross examinations and closing arguments.
How many teams does URMT have and when do they compete?
URMT has three teams of different skill level. Every team attends tournaments, and everyone on the team will compete in several throughout the school year. The fall is referred to as "invitational" season, in which teams work to prepare and solidify strategy in order to prepare for regionals in the spring, or "competitive" season. If a team advances from their regional tournament, then they will progress onto ORCS (Opening Round Championship Series). After ORCS, if a team advances, they will attend the National Championships.
What are the different roles in Mock Trial?
There are two roles in mock trial: attorneys and witnesses. During tournaments, attorneys give opening statements, direct examine a witness from their own team, cross examine a witness from the opposing team, and deliver the closing argument. Witnesses, on the other hand, must take on the persona of one of the many different characters involved in the case. In character, they must answer questions during direct examinations and cross examinations.